urban field is an Urban Design studio

We work at the crossroads of architecture, planning, economics, short- and long-term strategy, environmental and social responsibility. We bring all aspects together and translate them into physical spaces.



We are urban designers, architects, landscape architects, and educators. Our mission is to create better places for people through urban design.

We love to guide productive discussions, create and illustrate ideas, and use visual tools to help understand what is possible.

Urban Field was founded in order to explore new ways to practice sustainable architecture and experiment with the way we engage with the public.


Urban Field is not Jane’s first business, she started a specialty soup business in downtown Oakland as a design project. Jane also teaches school aged kids (and graduate students) architecture and urban design, exercising her ability to speak directly about the world around us, and translating that into creative public engagement. LinkedIn Profile


Having grown up in Germany, Heidi often challenges our team by introducing precedents and designs for urban places that are outside the American vernacular. When she is not advocating for public spaces and connectivity, she is riding her bike or motorcycle. LinkedIn Profile


Frank Fuller is our urban design yoda, even though he looks like David Letterman. Frank joined Heidi and Jane at Urban Field Studio in 2015 after failing to retire in 2006. He has been cultivating great urban places throughout his career into places we love to visit. LinkedIn Profile


Ryan is a sailor with the ability to listen to the wind and translate what he hears into something as beautiful and resilient as a boat. Ryan’s master planning talents have taken him all over the country to work with both private and public clients, and we feel very lucky to have him join our team in 2022. LinkedIn Profile

John Bela

John thoroughly understands the joy that can be derived from the communal spaces of the city. He frequents parklets and bustling streets, engaging in playful pursuits with his loved ones. In 2023 we welcomed John to the team and are thrilled to add his expertise in the art of landscape architecture, streetscape, and public realm design. LinkedIn Profile

What is possible in your community?
Urban Field Studio can help you figure that out.

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What does future development look like?
How do we get there?

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What is the best this place could be?

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Does it fit?



See new potential, listen to each other, and discover better places.



Good design needs to be nurtured at every step